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safety & security

safety and security

Safey & Secure Features

Classify data to keep it safe


  • Access to confidential information restricted to authorized personnel
  • Dedicated firewall and VPN services help stop unauthorized access
  • View security data reports for your organization
  • Strengthen your organization’s cybersecurity by determining how different users interact with your business data.



  • Encrypt data, restrict access, and remotely wipe devices to address threats as they happen.
  • We used advanced technologies that work together to constantly monitor, encrypt, update - and ultimately keep your data safer. it’s easy to protect your data.

Security monitoring


Our Security softwares continuously monitors security systems, event logs, notifications and alerts from all systems to identify and manage threats.

Constant updates and innovation

We’re constantly enhancing security, delivering new features and performance improvements. Updates are delivered frequently, with the majority of them being delivered without interrupting our service and disrupting users.

Disaster recovery and readiness


We can switch over quickly to a backups to keep data and your business running. We transmit data securely, across encrypted links.